Diet Plans
  • What to Eat and What to Avoid in an Anti Gout Diet

    Understanding gout and its possible treatment options
    A gout is a form of arthritis which occurs when there are high levels of uric acid in the blood. This excessive uric acid creates crystals which gather around the joint. This can lead to gout attacks, i.e., unexpected episodes of sharp pains and inflammation in the joints. Rise in uric acids is caused due to multiple reasons and therefore every individual has to take specific measures to deal with it. For instance, it could be due to excessive alcohol consumption, obesity or due to the kidney’s diminished ability to process the uric acid. Irrespective of the causes, high level of uric acid is something that can be efficiently tackled by an anti-gout diet.

    An anti-gout diet will not only offer you with the fast relief but will also lessen the risk of frequent gout attacks. While dealing with gout, your first job is to consult a doctor to receive an accurate diagnosis. Based on the nature of the case, your doctor will prescribe you with appropriate medications and other treatment options. After the medical analysis, you can start designing your anti-gout treatment. To help you get a precise direction, here’s an anti-gout dietary checklist that must be followed.

    • Limiting certain types of foods
      Before deciding ‘what to eat?’, start focusing on what food ingredients you must cut out from your diet. Avoid any products that contain refined sugars like soft drinks, processed fruit juices, breakfast cereals, chocolates, cakes, candies, etc. Such food products can stimulate uric acid build-ups, leading to gout attacks. This is especially imperative if you happen to be overweight as uric acid further contributes to intense inflammation of the joints.
      Foods containing purine can flare up gout. You must be wondering ‘what is purine?’ It is a natural constituent that is found in the human body as well as in foods. Uric acid is produced when purine is broken down in the body. Which is why you must exercise moderation while having food ingredients that are rich in purine. Meats, mushrooms, spinach, peas, whole wheat grains, asparagus, anchovies, beef, cauliflower, gravies, tuna, codfish, herring, etc. are some of the food products that contain a high amount of purine. Alcohol can surge the uric acid levels in your body, increasing the chances of aggravating gout attacks. So, while following an anti-gout diet, it is advised that you cease your liquor consumption entirely.
      Junk food is made by using processed products, so you should refrain indulging in fast food. Your anti-gout diet should strictly include meals that are prepared at home. In this manner, you will be able to customize and control your food choices that will benefit you in the long run.
    • Hydration
      To eliminate the uric acid at a faster pace, you need to keep your body hydrated. A dehydrated system can aggravate gout attacks on a recurrent basis. Aim to have at least eight glasses of water daily, so that you could swiftly cleanse the system.
    • Cherries
      Specific medical research projects suggest that cherries can decrease the occurrence of gout attacks. This might be because cherries contain antioxidants which reduce the uric acid levels in the blood. If you have cherry juices, then opt for the ones which are organic for maximum results.
    • Low-fat dairy products
      Instead of having whole milk products, consume low-fat dairy products such as skimmed milk or yogurt. Low-fat dairy products may help to control the uric acid levels, and they can be a reliable source of protein as well.
    • Starchy carbohydrates and vegetables
      Potatoes, whole-grain pasta, rice, brown bread, oats, quinoa, barley, etc. include limited amounts of purines. You can include these in your diet along with vegetables such as broccoli, Brussel sprouts, lima beans, etc.
    • Fruits
      Apart from cherries, you can also consider including fruits like strawberries, oranges, apple, bananas, pineapples, grapefruits, mangoes, watermelons, papaya, etc. These fresh fruits are rich in vitamins which can eliminate the toxins as well as nourish your body cells.
    • Coffee
      Chlorogenic acid, an antioxidant found in the coffee is associated with the diminishing the gout attack instances. However, this might not work for everyone. So, you must consult your doctor to gain some clarity about caffeine experimenting. Although if you already consume coffee, ensure that you have it without any forms of refined sugars or artificial sweeteners. Similarly, if you need milk with your coffee, couple it with low-fat dairy products.

    When you are managing an anti-gout diet, it is crucial to comprehend that it isn’t just a temporary fix. You should learn to adopt it as a form of lifestyle. This is because if timely measures are not exercised, gout can worsen with time leading to irreversible joint damage and kidney problems. But with early intervention and care, gout is an untroublesome medical condition.

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  • Causes and signs of food poisoning

    Food poisoning is one of the common stomach infection that affects millions of citizens across the country each year. Food poisoning is food borne disease. It is caused due to ingestion of food that is toxic or might have chemical or infectious agents like viruses, bacteria, parasite or prion.

    Food poisoning causes adverse signs of poisoning in the body. The signs of food poisoning might be limited to gastrointestinal tract or they can also affect other organs such as brain, kidney or muscle.

    Most of the people experiencing food poisoning experience signs based on what type of bacteria, virus or parasite is involved in the infection. Irrespective of the type of infection, signs of poisoning such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting are the most common in the people suffering from the infection.

    Signs that the person might be suffering from food poisoning

    • A person suffering from food poisoning might experience cramps in the stomach and gut, and may also experience diarrhea, vomiting after 1 hour of eating infected food, it might also appear as late as 10 days.
    • Some other signs of poisoning might include bloating and gas, fever, muscle aches, weakness, abdominal pain, and cramping.
    • Botulism is a sign of poisoning that is caused due to bugs that carry bacteria and viruses like campylobacter, E.coli, Listeria, Salmonella, Shigella.
    • Signs of poisoning due to botulism include muscle weakness, hard time swallowing, dry mouth, muscle paralysis from head down, vomiting, slurred speech, blurred vision.

    Difference between food poisoning and stomach flu

    Food poisoning and stomach flu differ from each other in terms of signs of poisoning. They differ in terms of causative agents. Which means one of the disease is caused due to contaminated food and the other might be caused due to non-food agents like bodily secretions. Stomach flu is usually equated to viral gastroenteritis. It is an illness that usually resolves in under 24 hours, which is caused by a virus called as adenovirus, Norwalk virus or rotavirus.

    • Food poisoning might last for a couple of days. If the signs of poisoning last longer than usual, then that person should consult a healthcare professional.
    • Infections may be difficult to detect if a person is suffering from an infection called as cyclospora. This might be considered as a potential cause of food poisoning as these might be prolonged symptoms.

    If a person is suffering from any of the above-mentioned signs of poisoning, it is advisable to consult a health care professional who will diagnose the cause of poisoning and provide the required treatment to provide relief from the symptoms of poisoning.

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  • How to manage Graves’ disease with dietary and lifestyle changes

    One of the most common types of autoimmune disorders, Graves’ disease is a form of thyroid that causes excessive production of hormones in the body. It has a significant impact on your metabolism, eating habits, sleeping patterns, moods, etc. Therefore, it’s imperative to identify this disorder so that you can handle it efficiently.

    Some of the usual symptoms of Graves’ disease are extreme sweating, weight loss, insomnia, uneasiness, exhaustion, indigestion, intense mood swings, swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter), heat intolerance, erratic heart rate, irregularities in menstruation, erectile dysfunction, trembling hands, etc. Besides common signs, there are two rare symptoms of Graves’ disease, i.e., Graves’s ophthalmopathy and Graves’ dermopathy. The former causes inflammation and bulging of the eyes, while the latter leads to reddening and thickening of the skin.

    Five tips for managing Graves’s disease

    To treat Graves’ disease, you must seek proper medical assistance. Apart from professional help, ensure that you take certain self-management steps to alleviate its symptoms.

    • Healthy diet The best way to improve your immune system is by having the right type of food. To manage a condition like Graves’s disease you should increase the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits along with herbs, spices, healthy fats, and probiotics. This can help control the body’s inflammation levels caused by Graves’ disease. Additionally, a healthy diet can also energize your physical and mental state.
    • Control stress It is suggested that stress can aggravate certain symptoms of Graves’ disease. So de-stress on a regular basis. You can exercise, meditate, get a massage, spend time with your loved ones or pursue your hobbies, etc.
    • Exercise every day For some people conditions like Graves’ disease can lead to rapid weight fluctuations. Therefore, along with rich food, it is crucial that you work out daily. This will help reduce your body’s inflammation levels as well as contribute to maintaining an ideal body weight. Besides conventional forms of exercises, you can also pursue yoga, cycling, swimming, aerobics, etc.
    • Stop smoking Habits like smoking can worsen this health condition, as it increases inflammation, and damages healthy cells by introducing toxins into the bloodstream. This can lead the thyroid gland to release extra white blood cells to fight off potential illnesses.
    • Switch to natural products We come in contact with a myriad of chemicals on a daily basis. They are in our hygiene products, cosmetics, foods, etc. So, start making a conscious choice by buying products that are sustainable and are made using organic ingredients.
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  • How to improve blood circulation using healthy foods

    A healthy blood circulation is necessary to the keep the body fit and healthy. The different parts and pivotal organs of the body are fuelled as an effect of constant blood flow. However, today, a large number of people live an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle. This way of living has a huge impact on the circulation of blood in the body.

    The question is, how to improve blood circulation without using unhealthy measures? Consuming circulation-boosting foods is one of the easiest ways to improve blood circulation. Unlike other ways, you do not have to take much effort and merely incorporate these foods into your daily diet.

    Here are the superfoods and how they improve blood circulation:

    Orange – The orange fruit is high in vitamin C. This vitamin is found to be an effective blood thinner and thus promotes improved blood circulation through the body. Also, a buildup of plaque in the capillary walls have a grave effect on the circulation of blood and Vitamin C prevents the same. Oranges and other citrus foods such as lemons must be made a part of one’s daily diet.

    Ginger – Ginger is a root that is lauded for its health benefits. It not only aids a healthy process in the digestive system but is an active ingredient that regulates and improves blood circulation. You can chew raw root ginger, or an easy way is to add it to your dishes. However, drinking ginger tea has an great effect on the overall bodily systems.

    Fatty fish – Fatty fishes like salmon and tuna are excellent for the health of your heart. This fish food contains omega 3-fatty acids that support the cardiovascular system. The fatty acids also promote and improve blood circulation.

    Dark chocolate – How to improve blood circulation using dark chocolate? Well, this sounds like an absolute treat. But yes, the cocoa in dark chocolate contains flavonoids, this is a substance that has a very good effect in promoting blood circulation. However, apart from dark chocolate, other chocolate treats such as white chocolate do not have a significant effect in the process of blood circulation.

    For better results, engage in activities like daily exercise, keep the body hydrated and stay away from smoking. Making the above factors a part of your daily routine will have a very significant effect in improving blood circulation. What are you waiting for? Start today!

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  • The alkaline diet and its benefits

    The alkaline diet is a relatively new term, and its popularity is spreading across with each passing day. Adapted by a large number of people around the world, this diet suggests that one should replace acid-forming foods with alkaline foods. This diet helps in the balance of pH levels in the body and promotes an overall good health. The pH levels are considered to be important as it strengthens the body’s ability to stand against disorders and diseases.

    Foods such as meat, wheat, refined sugar, etc. produce acid in the body and thus are harmful to one’s health. On the other hand, foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts and more are believed to promote good health, as well as lose weight.

    If you are still calculating the pros, here are a few benefits of the alkaline diet that you should know:

    Protects against cancers The body is bound to suffer as a repercussion of the cells not being able to oxygenate the body adequately. This usually happens due to lack of minerals in the cells, and the accumulation of toxins weakens the immune system. High alkaline levels in the body are believed to strengthen the system as well as kill cancerous cells. Additionally, it is also beneficial in supporting some chemotherapeutic agents.

    Weight-loss Consuming alkaline-high foods is beneficial in controlling body weight. This happens due to the ability of these foods to lower leptin levels and decrease inflammation, while also making one feel satisfied for longer.

    Increases magnesium absorption Magnesium is necessary for the basic functioning of the processes in the body. A deficiency in magnesium can cause complications in heart, headaches, anxiety and several other issues. The rights levels of alkaline increase the absorption of magnesium as well as prevent the deficiency of vital vitamins such as vitamin D.

    Bone density Aging brings with it several complications and bone density is one among them. Alkaline prevents the decrease in the levels of bone density and also maintains bone structure. It balances the ration among essential minerals that include calcium and phosphate. It also helps in the production of new growth hormones.

    Anti-inflammation An alkaline diet is found to be beneficial in reducing inflammation in the body. It also reduces the level of chronic pain, especially in the back, head, and muscles. Women too have reported that the ache and cramps during menstruation are lesser when on an alkaline diet.

    An alkaline diet is evidently beneficial when it includes organic foods. Thus, make sure that you know the kind of soil in which your fruits and vegetables are grown. While bringing a complete halt to eating acidic foods may be difficult, limiting intake is the way to go.

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  • Easy steps to adapt the alkaline diet

    The alkaline diet is one of the most popular diets that is being adopted by people around the world. This diet is built on the idea of consuming alkaline-rich foods and eliminating the intake of acidic foods. The diet we follow include foods like meats and dairy, and these products increase the acidic levels in the blood. An excess of acid in the body can damage the central organs such as the kidney and liver, as well as put one at a higher of suffering from diabetes.

    The thought of switching to an alkaline diet can be a difficult one. Easier said than done, right? Worry not. Here are steps that will help you say hello to the new alkaline diet.

    Increase fluid intake – Most people are chronically dehydrated, and this a has significant impact on the overall quality and health of life. Hydration is a critical step and should never be ignored. Make it a routine to drink at least 2 liters of water every day. And if drinking water seems too boring, treat yourself to some lemon water every short while. It tastes good and kickstarts your metabolism. Begin your day with a glass of plain warm water or lemon water to better you hydration habit.

    Adapt the greens – Making green foods a part of your diet is crucial to adapt to the alkaline diet. Bring home fresh green veggies such as broccoli, spinach and more. These may not go down too well with your taste buds initially, however, get creative and add them to soups or toss them in healthy oils.

    Meditate – Meditation is an ancient practice that is lauded for the benefits it brings to the body. Relax and perform a few breathing exercises at least once a day. These activities aid the body in flushing out the acids. Moreover, it helps in keeping you more focused and visual, something that is essential to keep your mind and body healthy.

    Take it easy – The benefits of an alkaline diet make people want to rush into it from day one. However, this will lead to making the journey of transition difficult. Do not restrict yourself from foods, however, try and eliminate them with ease and time. The slow process will help you experiment and understand what the best alkaline foods that are right for you and your family are. These are several supplements that are available out there, however, use these only after consulting a medical professional.

    It is going to be a task to ditch your standard diet; however, a little effort and you will get there soon.

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  • Healing foods to control symptoms of leaky gut syndrome

    Leaky gut syndrome is a condition that is rapidly growing, with a significant number of people struggling to the issue. The digestive system works as a system, and the gut lining keeps away toxic substances from entering the bloodstream. However, when the digestive tract gets damaged, one can imagine it as the gates of the intestine to be broken. This lets particles unwanted particles get into the bloodstream, leading to inflammation in the entire body. This disease not only affects the digestive system but can disrupt the normal functions of the body and severe health conditions.

    Leaky gut syndrome may be caused by several factors, such as an unhealthy diet. Also, foods like corn, soy, gluten, etc. are not good for the health of the gut. Constant high levels of stress too can lead to inflammation and a leaky gut. While the intake of toxins and dysbiosis are other causes that are believed to trigger the condition.

    Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome include skin issues such as acne, bloating, weight gain, joint pain, fatigue, headache and more. Leaky gut syndrome must be treated by a medical professional, however, the following healing foods with help in dealing with the condition and fastening the healing process:

    Coconut – Coconuts are considered to be extremely healthy for the gut and should be consumed as part of one’s daily meals. They carry fats that are extremely easy to digest and aid in the healing process of leaky gut. Kefir, a product made from coconut should regularly be consumed as it is loaded with probiotics. It promotes the growth of healthy bacteria that is beneficial in strengthening the immune system, while also aiding in digestion.

    Pickles – Pickles are fermented over a period before they can be consumed. The fermentation causes the formation of organic acids that balance the pH levels in the intestines. They also contain probiotics that replenish good bacteria. Vegetable pickles such as kimchi and sauerkraut are excellent sources. Commercially produced pickles should be avoided as they contain natural flavors and vinegar that can worsen the condition of the gut.

    Broth – Bone broth contains amino acids proline and collagen. These substances help in the quick healing of the intestine cell walls. It also aids in improving the overall health and immunity of the body.

    Raw dairy products – These products contain probiotics that play a pivotal role in the digestive process and healing of the gut. Yogurt is a great source of probiotics and can be included in meals or eaten at any time of the day. Other dairy products such as cheese, butter, and buttermilk too are excellent and promote gut-health.

    Making the above foods a part of one’s daily consumption will successfully help in treating the leaky gut syndrome

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  • Fix food poisoning with these home remedies

    Some of the times, eating your favorite food can get you in trouble. This is where we are stuck with eating the most-loved food item and falling sick due to contaminated food. The consumption of toxic and spoiled food leads to food poisoning. So, unhygienic handling of food breeds harmful bacteria that cause stomach disorders and leads to food poisoning.

    Before we find these tried and tested measures that can help you recover from food poisoning, let us look at symptoms of food poisoning or good-borne illness, as it is also known as.

    Symptoms are:

    • Nausea
    • Abdominal pain
    • Vomiting
    • Diarrhea
    • Mild fever
    • Loss of appetite
    • Headache
    • Weakness
    • Dehydration

    When a person is suffering from food poisoning, the body loses water. Therefore, it is necessary to drink a lot of water to keep oneself hydrated. Apart from drinking water, the person can also have other fluids such as fresh fruits and coconut water. The initial part of action includes intake of these fluids and avoiding solids. If the food poisoning is severe, it is recommended to consult the doctor immediately. Also, it is only advisable to go for prescribed medications and over-the-counter medications.

    If you are looking on how to treat food poisoning, here are some of the home remedies that one can resort to.

    Apple cider vinegar
    Although apple cider vinegar is acidic, once consumed it is metabolized as an alkaline. Having two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of lukewarm water can help alleviate the symptoms of food poisoning. Apple cider vinegar soothes the lining in the digestive tract and thereby offers instant relief.

    Garlic has a number of benefits, and one of them is to fight food poisoning. If a person is suffering from food poisoning, he or she should have a fresh garlic clove and swallow the same with water.

    Basil leaves
    In case of abdominal discomfort, basil leaves are best to soothe the same. With antimicrobial properties, basil leaves fight the microorganisms of food poisoning. Drinking a glass of fresh basil juice that is naturally extracted from basil leaves is helpful. You can mix a tablespoon of honey with this juice.

    If you are thinking how to treat food poisoning, then use these quick fix home remedies to get rid of food poisoning.

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